Atreus restocked; Preonic Kickstarter news (and a request)

Hello from Berkeley!

The most popular versions of the Atreus are back in stock

It's no secret that the Kailh Silent Tactile and Silent Linear switches have been, by far, the most popular versions of the Atreus. And for the last few months, we haven't had any of them in stock. Well, that changes today.
If you're looking for a tactile Atreus, but don't want the BOX Silent switches, the Speed Copper version might be more your speed. 
If you're looking for a clicky Atreus, you have your choice of:
And, of course, we also offer a "barebones" Atreus for folks who want to use their own keycaps and switches.


The Kickstarter for the Preonic is coming soon and we need your help!

The teaser site for the Preonic is live. You can see some short videos of the prototype in action, sign up for our Preonic-specific mailing list and, if you're pretty sure you want to back the campaign, you can make a $5 reservation. That reservation gets you a Preonic travel case at no additional charge when you back the Kickstarter this summer. 
We're planning to launch the Kickstarter campaign for the Keyboardio Preonic in mid-July. The industrial and mechanical designs are done. We're hard at work on the firmware and on finalizing the electronic design. We have the first sample of the new Preonic travel case in hand and are expecting the first sample of the Preonic desk tray in the next couple of weeks.
1) We're looking for a few folks in the San Francisco Bay Area who might be interested in being cast in the role of "Preonic typist" in the Kickstarter video
You need to be available for the day on June 19 or June 20 and, most importantly, you must know how to touch-type on an ortholinear keyboard. When we did the Kickstarter video for the Atreus, we used actors.They showed up on time. They looked great. They knew their lines. They knew how to act for the camera. But they didn't know how to type on an Atreus. And we could tell. And you could tell. And we'd rather feature you all, anyway.
If you're interested in typing in our next Kickstarter video, drop a note to  with the subject line: "Preonic video." 
2) We’re collecting mini-reviews of the Preonic

If you’ve typed on a Preonic and liked it, we want to hear from you!
Take two minutes to tell us about your experience and we may feature your quote in the Kickstarter campaign. 


The Model 100

A couple weeks ago, community member kamui wrote up a detailed tutorial showing a bunch of interesting mods they made to their Model 100 to customize the feel and sound of the keyboard. It's well worth a read. 
In our last update, we told you a bit about the Cherry edition of the Model 100, which will ship with both Cherry's latest MX switches and a Cherry hardwood enclosure. We'd expected these new keyboards to be ready in April, but they're still not here. The electronics and plastics are good to go. We're just waiting on the wood.
This has been one of the wettest springs in southern China in over 50 years and our wood vendor is basically at a stand-still. In order to make sure that your enclosures don't warp and crack in cold, dry climates, it's vitally important that the manufacturer control just how much moisture is in the wood while it's being milled and sealed. All of our wood is wrapped up tight so that it won't absorb humidity from the air. In theory, the long stretch of wet weather is expected to break within the next couple weeks, but that was also what we thought in early April.
We'll have 'em up for sale as soon as we can.


The rebuilt version of went live about a month ago. One of our favorite things about it is that we finally have a place to showcase your reviews of the Atreus and Model 100. If we haven't already reached out to you about writing a review for the site and you'd like to add yours, you can do that at or  

<3 Jesse + Kaia
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