Typing on the Model 100

Typing on the Model 100

The Model 100's default layout

Getting started

Learning a new keyboard layout can be an incredibly frustrating endeavor. Don’t expect to be back up to your full normal typing speed in the first few days or even the first few weeks.

Like any new skill, typing on the Model 100 takes practice. We recommend starting off with no more than 15 minutes of typing at a time, early in the day. When you get frustrated or start to feel fatigued, switch back to your regular keyboard.

If you’re comfortable diving right into work, feel free to go for it, but we’d recommend getting comfortable with your new keyboard before using it for “real-time” activities like online chat and taking notes during a meeting.

One of the best ways to get started is with a typing tutor app. There are numerous free and commercial typing tutor applications. As of 2022, a few of our free favorites are Keybr.com and 10fastfingers.com (especially its “Top 1000” mode). A paid option that is more of a beautiful, immersive game than typing tutor is Epistory.

Home position

We designed the Model 100’s key layout to reduce the amount of twisting and stretching involved in day-to-day keyboard use. As a result, the layout is somewhat different than a traditional keyboard. To help you find your way, you’ll find “homing dots” on the home positions of your pinkies, index fingers, and thumbs.

With the Model 100’s default layout, your left pinkie rests on ‘A’, your left index finger rests on ‘F’, and your left thumb rests on ‘Backspace’. Your right pinkie rests on ‘;’, your right index finger rests on ‘J’, and your right thumb rests on ‘Space’.

A few notes on key labels

Apple and various PC makers use different labels to represent the same behavior. We’ve chosen to label the Model 100 in a way that makes sense to us:

Enter is Return on a Mac and Enter on a PC
Cmd is Cmd on a Mac and the Windows key on a PC
Alt is Option on a Mac and Left Alt on a PC
The butterfly is Right Option on a Mac and Right Alt on a PC
Bksp is Delete on a Mac and Backspace on a PC
(Fn-Bksp is Forward Delete on a Mac and Delete on a PC)

Function keys

One of the things that makes the Model 100 different is the pair of function keys we’ve placed under your palms. Out of the box, both function keys work the same: If you drop and hold either palm onto the function key, the Model 100 switches into “function mode”.

H, J, K, L become your arrow keys
U, I, O, P become {, }, [, and ] respectively
W, A, S, D will move the mouse cursor 


The Model 100’s default layout includes an embedded numpad. To access it, just tap the Num key in the upper-right corner of the keyboard.